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Teaching the Gospel That Will Change Your Life!

We are delighted that you have chosen to visit our Web site! It is our honor to minister that you may gain not only understanding, but also how to apply the word of God to bring about change in your daily lives. We extend an invitation to you, and your family and friends to join us for any of our services and events offered.

Dr. Wade & 1st Lady Tawuann Bell "Lady T"



Christian Ed - 9:00 am

Morning Worship

- Redford Location 11:00 am

Thursday  7 pm Service on face book

or on the website "Watch live tab"

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Deeper Life Gospel Center

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Stay in prayer and petition the Lord on what you should give in the First Fruit Offering. There's still time to give your First Fruit Offering! 


Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE


February 15, 2025 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM


"Males Before The Lord"

Pastor Bell will be the guest speaker at this event designed for MEN ONLY! 

13542 Mercedes Street Redford, MI  48239 Please come join and support Pastor Bell at this life changing event for MEN ONLY!


Sunday Morning Worship

SUNDAY, Feb 16, 2025 @11:00 AM- Online streaming at - WATCH LIVE tab OR Facebook, type DLGC in the  search box to view sunday morning worship service.  OR

The Church is open.  You are welcome.  Face masks are optional at this time.  However, we do require hand sanitizing upon entering the building.



Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE


Mid-Week Interactive Bible Study

THURS., Feb 20, 2025 @ 7:00 PM - Online streaming at - WATCH LIVE tab 

OR find us on Facebook. Type DLGC in the Facebook search box


Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE



Sunday Morning Worship

SUNDAY, Feb 23, 2025 @11:00 AM- Online streaming at - WATCH LIVE tab OR Facebook, type DLGC in the  search box to view sunday morning worship service.  OR

The Church is open.  You are welcome.  Face masks are optional at this time.  However, we do require hand sanitizing upon entering the building.

Sunday Afternoon Celebration!

SUNDAY, February 23, 2025 @ 2:30 PM


Frontline Christian Church - Church Celebration

32744 Annapolis Rd

Wayne, MI  48184
Come out, support, and be blessed by a powerful message from our own Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr.

Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE


Mid-Week Interactive Bible Study

THURS., Feb 27, 2025 @ 7:00 PM - Online streaming at - WATCH LIVE tab 

OR find us on Facebook. Type DLGC in the Facebook search box


Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE



Sunday Morning Worship

SUNDAY, Mar 2, 2025 @11:00 AM- Online streaming at - WATCH LIVE tab OR Facebook, type DLGC in the  search box to view sunday morning worship service.  OR

The Church is open.  You are welcome.  Face masks are optional at this time.  However, we do require hand sanitizing upon entering the building.



Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE


Mid-Week Interactive Bible Study

THURS., Mar 6, 2025 @ 7:00 PM - Online streaming at - WATCH LIVE tab 

OR find us on Facebook. Type DLGC in the Facebook search box


Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE



Sunday Morning Worship

SUNDAY, Mar 9, 2025 @11:00 AM- Online streaming at - WATCH LIVE tab OR Facebook, type DLGC in the  search box to view sunday morning worship service.  OR

The Church is open.  You are welcome.  Face masks are optional at this time.  However, we do require hand sanitizing upon entering the building.

Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE


Mid-Week Interactive Bible Study

THURS., Mar 13, 2025 @ 7:00 PM - Online streaming at - WATCH LIVE tab 

OR find us on Facebook. Type DLGC in the Facebook search box

Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE



Sunday Morning Worship

SUNDAY, Mar 16, 2025 @11:00 AM- Online streaming at - WATCH LIVE tab OR Facebook, type DLGC in the  search box to view sunday morning worship service.  OR

The Church is open.  You are welcome.  Face masks are optional at this time.  However, we do require hand sanitizing upon entering the building.



Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE


Mid-Week Interactive Bible Study

THURS., Mar 20, 2025 @ 7:00 PM - Online streaming at - WATCH LIVE tab 

OR find us on Facebook. Type DLGC in the Facebook search box


Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE



Sunday Morning Worship

SUNDAY, Mar 23, 2025 @11:00 AM- Online streaming at - WATCH LIVE tab OR Facebook, type DLGC in the  search box to view sunday morning worship service.  OR

The Church is open.  You are welcome.  Face masks are optional at this time.  However, we do require hand sanitizing upon entering the building.

Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE


Mid-Week Interactive Bible Study

THURS., Mar 27, 2025 @ 7:00 PM - Online streaming at - WATCH LIVE tab 

OR find us on Facebook. Type DLGC in the Facebook search box


Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE



Sunday Morning Worship

SUNDAY, Mar 30, 2025 @11:00 AM- Online streaming at - WATCH LIVE tab OR Facebook, type DLGC in the  search box to view sunday morning worship service.  OR

The Church is open.  You are welcome.  Face masks are optional at this time.  However, we do require hand sanitizing upon entering the building.

Listen to Pastor Wade A. Bell, Sr (M-F at 12:30 PM) on your computer or cell phone at click LISTEN LIVE


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    Site Mailing List 

    Deeper Life Gospel Center  |  20601 Beech Daly Rd.  |  Redford, MI 48240  |  Phone 313.794.0975  |  Fax 313.794.4975

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